I have been struggling spiritually lately and realized it was mostly my own fault for neglecting that are of my life. I was having no conversations with my Heavenly Father and so I dove right back in. It was hit or miss at first and I know I will still fail in getting to my daily Bible reading but I am going to do my best.\
I noticed (on Facebook) that Patsy Clairmont was challenging people to read through Philippians with her and so I decided to do that since I had never really read through that book on my own. WOW! I LOVE PHILIPPIANS! It is giving me just what I need. I love that this is a LIVING book! It isn't just history, (which I enjoy reading too) but it helps me in my day to day struggles.
I have made at least one post on Facebook about something I read in this book but I think I may blog a little more about what I am reading. I am reading through the whole book every day, and every day I come across something else that is wonderful! But I think I will share my thoughts as close to in order as I can.
I love how Paul tells the people of Philippi that he loves them and thanks God for them and prays for them! This right there is an example to me. How many times do I pray for people, (well, I pray for people a lot..) but also thank God for them? How often do I tell someone I love them? In today's society, I can't really come out and tell just anyone that I love them. The other thing I see in verse 4 is that he makes his requests with a heart full of joy. How often do you pray with a heart full of joy? I can't say I do this often. Usually I am in tears because something in my world is falling apart, or I am tired or something else. I can't say that I have thought about it too much when I am praying but I can say that I don't often have a heart full of joy when I am talking with my Heavenly Father.
From today's reading, I am going to try to remember to pray MORE OFTEN, pray for you, give thanks to GOD for you and pray with JOY IN MY HEART!
To quote my mother in love - Keep Looking Up!
From dee dee: Proud of you for sharing your thoughts and struggles. People appreciate honest realism as well as your gentleness. Well-written!
Thanks Sis!
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