Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I am really starting to enjoy this!

I like to be able to write whatever I want and not really worry about people reading it. As far as I know, no one is reading this right now. Oh, maybe a family member pops in occasionally but no one has lately. I have a Facebook and post some things but not much, really. Facebook is more a way for me to keep in touch with people, including my family but this here is an outlet for my thoughts and feelings.
As I was reading my Bible, I came up with a story line that I think I might try and pursue on here. I come up with tons of stories in my head all the time but I never do anything about them so maybe I will start writing them down here. I don't think I ever shared that with anyone. My sister is the writer in the family and maybe that is why I have kept this to myself. I don't feel very adequate but maybe I will start writing on here and see what people think, if there ever decide to visit.
If you do visit, let me know! I'd love to hear from you.

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