Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Day two

Today's school didn't seem to take as long but since I realized that I was late for an online session with the school administrator, I guess it was okay. I had a whole lot of trouble getting on to the session and by the time I figured out what I was doing, it should have been mostly over but they were having trouble too and they ended up rescheduling for next week. I think I am the only parent who actually made it onto the site. They really need to be more helpful in telling parents how to participate in things like that.
The kids are playing on line games again at PBS.Kids. They love it and it is educational. I got permission to take the kids to the fair and have it count for 2 hours of Science so we are going to the Fair on Thursday since kids get in free that day. YEAH!!!!! Meanwhile I have to figure out how to log in the hours we did yesterday and today. Ia m not sure how to categorize them.
The kids have done really well though. Kalista was up before 6:30 this morning so she will be good and tired at bedtime. I was up at 5:30 in order to make Doug breakfast. He doesn't want it everyday but maybe once a week I will get up early and make a nice breakfast. Eventually it may turn into an everyday thing but for now once a week is good for me. I was in bed by 9:30 last night. This school thing is sure changing our lives! AWANA starts next week, I think and that will change things too. Many changes this year. We haven't even gotten into the thick of school yet! YIKES! it is going to be busy.
Well take care everyone. I would love to hear how you all are doing!


Anonymous said...

I love pbs!! I've discovered them and Scott like Clifford, Curious George, and of course Bob the Builder. He's too young for the games they offer, but we have already colored some of the print out pictures that they have. Anyway, so glad to hear that school is going well.
Love you guys and hope to see you sometime.

Anonymous said...

have a good day and trust the second week of school goes well.
Love you!!!
How's exercising?
Praying for you guys.