Friday, August 17, 2007


Well, we didn't get to the zoo yesterday. Linda called early to tell me that she had hurt her knee the day before and didn't want to spend the whole day walking on it. She had also gotten a call from her father to tell her that her mother was back in the hospital. Something about her gallbladder and water on her lungs. I got to talk to Grandma Wesner on the phone last night and she sounded good. She said there was a party going on in her hospital room because "EVERYONE" was there. She is loved, that is for sure. Linda is headed out to visit them the first week of September. She offered to let us come with her but I will have just started school with the kids and want a little more time to figure things out before I try to pack them up and do school on the go. The Lap top that Danny got has Wireless capabilities so as long as we can log into Kali's account from his laptop, we should be able to do school as we travel. I am praying that is the case. Doug can never take vacation during the summer so school time is now the only option we have.
Today is much cooler then yesterday and I have plans to take the kids out to play soon. I also need to finish up my laundry and do a little bit of cleaning up. We are headed to my mother's this evening for dinner. Doug was supposed to have a Photo gig but the person called and asked to postpone it for a week or two. It was going to happen at Mom's house and she was really excited to see us. So we are going to go anyway. Mom called me this morning. She has to make an appearance at a Picnic for the school in order to be introduced as new faculty. She will meet us at her home and we should be able to have the food ready for her when she gets there. She was also heading out for her walk with her new CD player. She was then going to go out and buy a new car, which she desperately needs and also go to a Piano show and possibly get a new piano. She is planning on setting up a Piano studio in what used to be the dining room. We are so Thankful that God has sent a Godly Financial advisor to her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're in the loop!! I didn't even know about G. Wesner. Steve's mom is so busy w/ work now.
Thanx 4 the update