Monday, August 06, 2007

Today is Doug's birthday!!!!!

click on the images if you want to see them a little better

Here are some pics of the kids swimming last Wednesday. I tried to get some underwater pictures of Kali but I couldn't see and so I couldn't aim the camera right. I also found out later that I Was way too close to get a good picture. I do have a ocuple interesting pictures where you can see her mouth wide open and bubbles coming out of her mouth and nose but even then, it is only half of her head.

Well, we got the lap top last Friday, almost two weeks before they said it would come. We still haven't gotten the desk top for Kali though. If it doesn't come today, I will call them and ask about it.

It seems to be muggy today. It is supposed to get up around 88 today but I am hoping that the cloud cover will keep that from happening. It supposedly feels like it is 81 already even though it is only 77 degrees.

I need to do house work today and I might just turn the air on for a while this morning while I work and hopefully it will stay cool and take the humidity out of the house. I hate working when it is hot and muggy but I hate having my house a mess too.

I went to a bridal shower yesterday for a girl that I wen to high school with. I am actually in her wedding in October. I didn't know very many people. Actually, other then the Bride and her mother, I only knew 4 people, but I had a good time and it was nice to meet the other bridal attendants. I heard one of them comment yesterday that it was nice that we all got along. I hadn't really thought about that since every wedding I have ever been in, the bridal party got along but I suppose it is a valid argument. Anyway, the Bride is Roman Catholic and so this will be a different experience for me. The shower was different then what I am used to as well. They had it at a catering place and had as much food as at a wedding reception. The whole bridal party sat at a table int eh front, facing the rest of the rest of the group. Since I haven't ever done that, it was good practice for me for the actual wedding. It will be the first wedding where I don't get to be with my husband. My first wedding where I HAVE to dance (with a complete stranger) and where there will be toasting and such. I am now nervous about dancing, since I have never really done it before except with my husband who isn't much of a dancer anyway.

Today is Doug's birthday. Because of this, I have decided to definitely turn the air on and work hard to get the house clean. I will also be baking a carrot cake, since that is his favorite and making a nice meal. I will have to hit the store but I shouldn't need to much. The kids want balloons and streamers so I may do that too. The family is getting together on Thursday for dinner at Doug's parents. We have a small gift for him and he got his gift from the kids last week for the White water rafting trip. He needed water shoes so the kids got him a pair. Not very exciting but it works. I might pick up a few new t shirts, since h always needs those. Maybe a pair of jeans too.

So that is life today. Hope you all have a great week!

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