Friday, September 08, 2006

Praise The Lord!!

Good morning all. It is just after 9 AM and I just got up. I was up with Daniel at 1:30AM and 2:30 AM and then again at 3:30AM. Danny was also up until after 11:00PM because he was feeling so bad. However, at 3:30AM when I went to see what was wrong, his fever had broken. His body must have fought quite a battle to fight off whatever was making Danny sick because his pillow was soaked thru to the other side.He is much more his regular self this morning. Instead of telling us that he is cold and wrapping himself up in a blanket, he is half dressed and more then happy to be that way. Thank you all for praying for us. It will be a rough day for Doug and I. Doug has been working 9 hours all week and he was up later then he should have been taking care of Daniel while I went to the store. I have to work today but not until 4:30. I will have some supper in the oven for the kids and Doug but Doug will be very tired and and not up to dealing with the kids for too long. I had hoped to get the kids outside today but I am not sure if I should take Danny out or not. That is all for now!

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