Saturday, September 09, 2006

Kalista's Turn

Well all, it is Kalista's turn to be sick. While I was at work today she started with a fever. She was also complaining that her tummy hurt. I don't know that it was really hurting her. She always says her tummy hurts and she likes to tell us she is sick too when Danny is sick. We know she is really sick this time because she has a fever but I don't think that her tummy hurts her too much. Doug gave her some medicine and by the time I got home from work, she was much more her normal bouncy self so we are hoping that she is able to kick it a little faster then Daniel. I am working tomorrow again and I am off Monday. I go in on Tuesday for a few hours of orientation and then I am off Wednesday and Thursday. I work Friday thru Sunday again after that. There may be some changes to that schedule though so I will keep you all up to date.

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