Monday, September 25, 2006

Major Accomplishment!

So we are finished potty training!!! Finally! Danny has had a hard time of it but he finally made his last step to being done. We are so excited. We will probably give him a few more times to be sure but I think we have stepped over the threshold! YEAH! 5 years of buying diapers and Pull-Ups. WOW! I wonder how much we spent on diapers for both kids for those 5 years. We probably could have had a decent amount saved for their college if we hadn't had to buy diapers. Oh well. We are done now so we can breathe a deep sigh of relief.
I wish I had a picture of share but I don't. We will be busy the rest of the week so don't look for too much. I am making pizza for supper so I had better go.

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