Wednesday, September 27, 2006


So I go into work last night only to find out that I asn't scheduled and I am not on the schedule at all this week. It will make for a small paycheck but it is nice to have time to get everything done for this weekend and not feel like I am rushing. Yeah right! I will still be flying around tomorrow like a chicken with my head cut off. Oh well. Hopefully we will see lots of you this weekend. I can't wait!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Major Accomplishment!

So we are finished potty training!!! Finally! Danny has had a hard time of it but he finally made his last step to being done. We are so excited. We will probably give him a few more times to be sure but I think we have stepped over the threshold! YEAH! 5 years of buying diapers and Pull-Ups. WOW! I wonder how much we spent on diapers for both kids for those 5 years. We probably could have had a decent amount saved for their college if we hadn't had to buy diapers. Oh well. We are done now so we can breathe a deep sigh of relief.
I wish I had a picture of share but I don't. We will be busy the rest of the week so don't look for too much. I am making pizza for supper so I had better go.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Just A Few Minutes!

I am so excited! Next week is Ed and Tina's wedding! we haven't been as good as we should have been working with Daniel but he knows that the pillow is not something to be thrown or played with. Melody and I are singing and we have been trying to work out getting together to practice but it hasn't worked out. W will work on it next Thursday and Friday at the rehearsal.
Today the kids and I went to Mom and Dad's and we all ate lunch at the market. Best fries in the world! When we got home I did Momma's hair and Daddy left for his bus run. The kids played in the sand box until we caught Kali with a mouthful of sand and Danny throwing sand all over her. When we came home, I fed the kids, talked with Doug for a few minutes and went back out the door. I stopped at work to get my schedule for next week and then I headed to G & G's for a little while. When I got back, I had a few phone calls to make and I am still waiting for one more.
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tuesday News

Not too much today, mostly because I wrote this out already and then I lost it all. Kali and I went shopping yesterday after Danny went to school. She helped so it took a little longer and we weren't able to get everything we needed. Last night, while I was at the library, Danny found some nail polish and I really have no idea how he got it. He managed to only get it on his face and a tiny bit on one of my old shirts. The nail polish is clear with red heart confetti in it. The bottle didn't even dump. We were relieved the damage wasn't worse.
This morning Kali and I were headed back to Wal0mart to finish out shopping. I was brushing her hair, which is alway an ordeal. I found what I thought was food in her hair, a common occurence but it turned out to be......yep, you guessed it, nail polish! I grabbed a fine tooth comb and the scissors. Most of the nail polish seemed to be in the same spot that Danny cut a month ago. Wonder what he was thinking when he put the nail polish on her head? I found myself thinking of my mother and the many times she ahd to cut gum out of my hair and how my daughter was ending up much like her mother, although I don't think it was her fault. I did not have to cut it out ofher hair. The dried nail polish crunch up a little and then I was able to pull it out of her hair with out any problem or pain.
While finishing up our grocery shopping that we didn't finish yesterday,I also got some clothes for the kids. Danny got paid for participating in the TEACCH program this past June and the check came last week. I was able to get 4 pairs of pants for him and about 4 shirts. I got Kali some clothes too but not as much. She got a new outfit for church plus some long sleeved t-shirts and some tights and two belts. Both kids got rain parkas. I also got a new floor lamp for the living room since the kids broke the nob off the old one. I got a cheap one. Doug and I figure we wont be able to get nice stuff for quite a while. I got a couple new sheets for the kid's beds too.
Tomorrow is Kali birthday. She and I will be making cookies for her to take to her first night of AWANA Cubbies Club. Since it is her birthday, she is supposed to provide the snack. She and I will also spend some time looking at the pictures of her birth. The kids love looking at pictures and I usually take the time on their birthdays to remember the precious gifts God gave us in our children. We will have a big family party sometime in October when things slow down.
I will try to add a picture of Kali from the day she was born. I kow Red is hard to see on the black back ground but Kali has been talking about a "RED" birthday for a month. I am not sure what she means but I decided to make this red in her honor.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Good Sunday

Good Morning All.
Doug just left early for church. There is a Board meeting that he really wanted to be at this morning. He didn't think he would be able to go since I had to work this morning. I don't work until 10:30 so I can take the kids to church when Sunday school starts and Doug can be there for them when the meeting is over.
Today will be my first real test at work. I worked "alone" yesterday but it was a cold meal that was already put together for the most part. Today I am really going to have to cook. I expect that I will be late leaving work today. Please pray for me that I get everything done on time and don't get overwhelmed.
Have a good day!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Even More PJ Pictures

More PJ pictures

Here is a picture of Danny running toward the camera. He was wanting to see the picture on the screen on the back of the camera. I kept having to let them come see the picture I had just taken. they love seeing themselves int he pictures.

Brand New Pajamas

I made the mistake of showing the kids some winter PJ's I had bought for them. They couldn't wait to wear them. They looked so cute that I couldn't resist the pictures. There are more that I will post of them hugging and kissing.

Playing Catch!

The kids were playing catch together. They were having so much fun. Kalista is not as good at catching and throwing as Danny but he was very patient with her and tried to teach her how to do it right.

A couple Shower pictures

Finally some new pictures. The small picture of Melanie was taken during the shower. Melanie was given a few gifts at the shower as well and she was taking a break from all the excitement to enjoy her new princess pillow. The picture of Tina was at the end of the only game they played. Tina was a good sport about this. What you can't see is that under the pile of ribbons and bows, Tina's face was smeared with makeup as three volunteers had to try to do her make up with their eyes closed.
Ed and Tina got a ton of great gifts and it was a really fun trip to make. It was especially fun to be able to ride out and back with Melody and Joe and the boys. Kalista was with us too.

Monday, September 11, 2006

What Do Your Remember? 9/11/2006

My thoughts for today, 9/11/2006

I remember I was in the car when the news came on saying a plane had hit the WTC tower. I remember thinking that it must have been a small plane that lost control. I remember taking a 5 month old Danny into Target to visit my old coworkers. They were all listening to the radio and that is when I found out that it had been a large passenger plane.
I remember coming home and finding that Doug had been home from college and turned the TV on and then had to go back. I remember watching the coverage and watching the second plane hit the other tower. I remember being worried about Ed and hitting the speed dial and actually getting thru. I remember Ed telling me that he was on the roof of his school and he could see the smoke. I remember being relieved to be able to tell my family that I had talked to him, because right after I got off the phone with him, all circuits were busy and it was impossible to get a hold of him for a while. I remember sitting in front of the TV for hours, days, hoping to hear something good. I remember thinking,"This is the end. This is war."
Today, I remembered to pray for those families who lost family members and friends. Today, I remembered to pray for my children today. What do you remember?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Talking to the boss

I will be talking with the boss tomorrow about changing a few things about my job. I no longer want to cook. I don't know how she will react to this but cooking is just too much for me right now. Maybe later. Since she hired me to cook on weekends I don't know if she will let me keep my job. I don't really want to start over and I do like working with the other employees. I am starting to get the hang of things now too. Please pray!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Kalista's Turn

Well all, it is Kalista's turn to be sick. While I was at work today she started with a fever. She was also complaining that her tummy hurt. I don't know that it was really hurting her. She always says her tummy hurts and she likes to tell us she is sick too when Danny is sick. We know she is really sick this time because she has a fever but I don't think that her tummy hurts her too much. Doug gave her some medicine and by the time I got home from work, she was much more her normal bouncy self so we are hoping that she is able to kick it a little faster then Daniel. I am working tomorrow again and I am off Monday. I go in on Tuesday for a few hours of orientation and then I am off Wednesday and Thursday. I work Friday thru Sunday again after that. There may be some changes to that schedule though so I will keep you all up to date.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Praise The Lord!!

Good morning all. It is just after 9 AM and I just got up. I was up with Daniel at 1:30AM and 2:30 AM and then again at 3:30AM. Danny was also up until after 11:00PM because he was feeling so bad. However, at 3:30AM when I went to see what was wrong, his fever had broken. His body must have fought quite a battle to fight off whatever was making Danny sick because his pillow was soaked thru to the other side.He is much more his regular self this morning. Instead of telling us that he is cold and wrapping himself up in a blanket, he is half dressed and more then happy to be that way. Thank you all for praying for us. It will be a rough day for Doug and I. Doug has been working 9 hours all week and he was up later then he should have been taking care of Daniel while I went to the store. I have to work today but not until 4:30. I will have some supper in the oven for the kids and Doug but Doug will be very tired and and not up to dealing with the kids for too long. I had hoped to get the kids outside today but I am not sure if I should take Danny out or not. That is all for now!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Still Pray

Hello all. Danny is still sick. We are more worried about him. He is starting to complain that his throat hurts. I brought home some generic Pedialyte for him. It is supposed to help keep a child drom dehydration if they are vomiting or have diarrhea. Since Danny is taking 3 to 4 hours just to drink one cup od water or juice, I figure we need to make sure he is as hydrated as possible. We are also giving him popsicles.
Work today was a little better the worst part is that the evening kitchen aid called off so that means that I have to stay late to do dishes. We got done on time but the first time I am in the situation alone, I will be there until very late, and I will probably get into trouble but it wont be my fault. the other cook, who was training me helped us out but she left at her normal time. I pray it diesn't happen too often. My feet hurt.
I will be calling the doctor tomorrow so I will probably have to take Danny in. Better that then him getting worse.
That is all for now.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Pray for Danny

Danny is sick. He has a temp. and is feeling cold. He didn't eat his supper when Doug gave it to him. Doug gave him some Children's Motrin. He did eat it just before bed time. I got some cute pictures of the kids today. I hope to have them posted soon. Had better go.

A summary

Yesterday was Danny's first day of school. There was some confusion about the bus so I ended up taking Danny to school. Kali and I hung out for a little while and I did a little work in the kitchen. When Danny got home from school I had lunch ready for the kids. Danny seemed to have a good first day of school. There was nothing written in his notebook and he was not upset so that is good. They ate and then I packed them up and took them over to a friend's house while I went in to work to watch some orientation videos. I was there for 3 hours. Doug picked the kids up from our friends. After I was done at work I stopped at my in-laws to use their phone. I called Doug to tell him that I was done at work but thatI was going to stop at the store on the way home. I talked to my mother in law for a little while and then headed to the store. I got home about 5:30. I started supper but little things kept popping up and we didn't end up eating until after 7 PM. After I was done eating, I ran out to the library. I had a few videos over due and the library was closed all weekend. I came home and put the kids to bed. Then I watched House M.D. on FOX while Doug got ready for bed. Doug is working 9 hours all week so he has to get up an hour early in order to get to work on time. I am so thankful that they changed the way they do over time. I know Doug isn't happy to have to get up early whenever they have over time but he is never late so I don't have to worry about being late for work or having to find a babysitter for the kids in the afternoon.
I work today at 4:30 and only work until 7:30 but that means I need it have supper in the crockpot. I have laundry to do to so I had better get to it. Ciao for now!

Monday, September 04, 2006

We're Back

Hello Everyone. Kali and I got home at about 11 AM this morning from our weekend in PA. It was a good time. Kali and I headed to Mom and Dad's Friday evening. Joe and Melody and the boys got in a little while after us. We put the kids down for the night and discussed arrangements and times for leaving the next day. Mom and Dad left at 7:30 but we didn't get out the door until 10:30 and we had a few stops to make. It wasn't too bad of a trip. The three kids did pretty good. Joah was happy and sad on and off throughout the trip but Nathan was good for pretty much the whole trip. The boys napped and waking up from the naps was a little loud for the rest of us. Kali didn't fall asleep until we were about an hour away from Tina's house. She didn't sleep for very long. The road was hilly and rather bumpy. It was great to get to Tina's house. Supper was on the table when we got there and we all sat down and ate. We were introduced to everyone while moving around and getting kids fed. It wasn't long before we were starting to get the kids ready for bed. Ed and Tina took Melody and Joe and the boys over to the house where they were spending the night. I got Kali into bed and then went downstairs and joined the parents in their conversation. It was fun to hear their thoughts and feelings about Ed and Tina's relationship and to hear fun stories about their family. There was talk about having babies and our experiences and fears amongst the ladies. Everyone got settled in for the night by 10:30 or so, I think. I was up a little later but that was my choice. We were up early and ready for church on time and headed out. After church, we went home and had lunch and then got back in the car for the bridal shower. There was food first and then Tina went right into opening gifts. There was a fun little game at the end where three volunteers had to put Tina's makeup on for her with their eyes closed. Ed and Tina and Melanie got a lot of nice stuff and the shower went very well. We helped to load up the gifts into Tina's van and Ed's car and then headed back to Tina's house. Joe and Melody decided to leave after the shower so when we got back to the house I concentrated on finishing up the packing and gathering all our stuff together. Joe had most of it in the car since I had put most of it together at lunch time. We left Tina's about 6:54 PM. We stopped not long after wen left so that the adults and Kali could eat. Joe and Melody had fed the boys earlier since that is what the boys are used to. We also made a stop at a gas station to fill up and for me to pick up some Dramamine. I was very thankful for that stop. I was surprised at how well the Dramamine helped. The kids watched a movie. We made one more stop for Melody to feed Joah and Kali and I to go to the bathroom. Kali went to sleep not long after getting back into the car. Neither Kali or Nathan had napped so they were good and tired. The kids slept most of the way home. (Home being Grammie and PaPa's house.) Joah woke up about 40 minutes from home and Melody and I changed places so she could feed Joah. We stopped for gas about 25 minutes from home and by then the other two kids were up too. They were good for the end of the trip. We got home, I think it was a little after midnight. We put the kids down for the night and then all went to bed. Kali and I slept straight thru until 8:30 with no disturbances. When we got up I got dressed and got Kali dressed and then loaded the car. We were out the door by 9:30. I stopped for gas and a little food for the two of us. Kali had some dry cereal before we left but not very much. We were back here at 11 AM. Doug just left for the Great Geauga County Fair. He hand't been able to go while Kali and I were gone so he went over today. It is a nice day so that is good.
I took the kids over to the Fair Friday morning with my friend Robin. We looked at most of the animals and then I let the kids play on some big Inflatables. They had fun and of course, I got them fries. I had an elephant ear and some diet coke.
Doug's parents are coming over for dinner. For those of you who know them, they are packing because they are moving in 2 weeks. We are so excited about this. They have been looking for a house to buy for two years now, maybe three. This house that they are moving into is only a rental but right now, anything will be better then the apartment that they live in.
Danny starts school tomorrow. I work most of the week to finish up my training. Please pray for us this week. It will be a very hectic week and with Danny starting school and me starting a new job everyone will have some hard adjustments to make, especially Danny. I will try to get on every day to let you all know how things are going. I may not be adding too many pictures though. I got a few at the shower but not as many as I wanted. Hope you all had a good weekend too!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Does anyone look at this page?

Hello! Is Anyone there? It would be nice to get a few comments. If you don't comment, then I don't know that you are looking at this site. It keeps me from wanting to bother adding more stuff to it. The more people acknowledge it, the more I will want to add. Please make a few comments. For me!