I have always noticed that when I take care of my spiritual life, the rest of the areas of my life come in to line as well but I so often try to focus on those other areas and I get burnt out and frustrated. I wish I could be more consistent and remember, that as long as I put my heavenly Father first, nothing else truly matters because He will give me all that I need to do the things that I need to do. The truly important things. Not only give me what I need but abundantly more then I need. How blessed I am to have such a loving Father. I take Him for granted so often. Lord help me to see your love for me every day.
I wish I could skip the online classes that the school seems to require. I know my kids need the interaction with their teachers and peers but our school day does so much smoother when we don't have classes then when we do. The kids seem to enjoy school a little more when we don't do the online classes as well.
I think I am rambling. I am bored and not sure what to do. I should really teach Kalista to do her own laundry. I told her I would last week and I haven't gotten around to it yet.
I made the mistake of telling Kalista that we are planning a trip to Chicago for vacation this year and she just keeps talking about and telling me that she can't think about anything else. I should have kept my mouth shut. She does understand that things could change and it is possible that something might keep us from going, like money, but for now she is excited and dreaming about all the things we might do while we are there. My hubby spent time there as a child going to the zoo and the museums and I have wanted to do that for a while now and I am finally getting my chance. I am hoping for a chance to have a date night with my hubby. Something kind of fancy that will give us the chance to dress up. We don't do it very often and it will mean packing fancy dress clothes but I think it will be worth it.
I guess instead of writing in this blog, I should be trying to pack some stuff up. Yes, we will be moving. We have no idea where or when but we don't want to get caught with only a short time to pack up this house and get moved out. Since we do school home, the kids schooling would get set aside and we can't technically do that. I am trying to figure out where to start though. I have packed up a few boxes of books that I do not read or haven't read in a while.
I have more books out that I read on a more regular basis. Maybe I need to think about packing up the buffet and maybe a few things from the kitchen too. I have a closet full of VHS tapes in the basement too. Not really sure what we should do with those. We have a VCR but it tends to eat the tapes and I hate to ruin them. I really like to watch some of those movies but can't right now. I have a ton of junk I need to get in to the garbage too. Well, those are some places to start, I guess. I would love to cut the kids clothes down to enough outfits for 1 week and a half or so and pack the rest and see if we can get along with just those and then donate the rest. Kalista has clothes that she doesn't wear and so I need to go through those again. I think I have pared Daniel's stuff down as much as I can.
Tomorrow is therapy. An hour of Speech therapy and then 30 minutes of Occupational Therapy. Then we have to rush home, gobble down some lunch so that the kids can be in their online class by 1 PM. I really hate doing it like that but I don't feel like I have a choice. The teacher is very understanding and she knows that I work hard with the kids and she probably wouldn't have a problem if I said that the kids weren't going to be attending any of the classes but I don't think her superiors would let us get away with that. Another reason to pull Daniel out next year.
I still haven't decided for sure if we are going to do that. I really want to but it is one big scary step, let me tell you! To have to try to home school him on my own with no help from a real teacher....and I have to try to find some curriculum for him that wont costs us too much. So much to think about and I just haven't really done much about it yet. I have a big packet of paper work to fill out before I can pull him out too. (Sigh) A lot on my mind. I really just want to curl up in bed with a book.
I guess it is time to do do something, whether it is packing a box or two, or doing some laundry.
Good night world!
Keep looking up!!!