Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Long story Short

Okay, I just typed out a whole long story about my suicidal fern and I hit the wrong button by accident. So to make a long story short, I had a fern that was flourishing. It took a couple leaps off my porch. I left it down front by the front door of our building. No one had any problems with it. The manager of the apartments walked off with my fern last week. No one knew why but three people watched her do it. I sent her a note asking why she took it and that I could move it if it was in someones way. She called last night to tell me that she didn't know that it was mine and that they had been having trouble with another tenant leaving things around and to just make sure that my name was on anything else I put down there. Now, having talked to almost all the tenants, I know who she is talking about the people who live out front. They were very kind in allowing me to keep my tomato and pepper plants out front with their plants. When my fern went missing they told me that she would take there shoes that they let out side of their door because they were muddy or wet. I guess they complained about something and ever since then the apartment people have not been very nice. I think it is wrong of the lady to take anything without telling people first that there is a problem. She actually straightens the shoes of a family that lives on the second floor, when she cleans the hall way and to take something that isn't hers doesn't seem right. So that is my shorter version of the story.
I also want to ask you all to pray for us. Our nice Buick LeSabre is making strange noises. We were told that it is probably the universal joint and that is something we can't afford to fix right now. We may be going down to one car for a while. it will save us money on gas and we will probably take the car off the insurance for now and save a little money that way too. It will be hard to go back to only having one car after having two cars for 2 years or so. However, with the kids doing school, it wont be too bad. I want to get a trip to the zoo in before we go down to one car but even that may have to wait.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Some pics and an update

Hello all,
things here have been very busy. I miss all the time I had to do everything else. We were late starting school today and right now we are on a break. The kids are playing with a giant balloon.
I have a couple of pictures to post. one is from the kids and I went down to visit my sister near Columbus. We went to a really cool Fountain Park. It wasn't very big but there was plenty of room for the kids to play and I didn't have to keep a real close eye on them because there wasn't a huge area for them to play in. It was GREAT!!!! The other picture is the kids on their new toys. Kalista got a bicycle for her birthday and Daniel got a scooter for Kali's birthday. It didn't make sense to buy something like that for Kali and not for Daniel. They love going to the near by bike trail to ride or "scoot". It is great exercise too and they are usually tired from their exercise. once they get a little better at their different modes of transportation I will maybe try and find a bike to ride with them. Right now, I just walk along side of Kali. She falls down some times and sometimes I catch her. i fell it is important for her to find out what it is like to fall down and then get up and try again. I don't want her to be afraid. she does well. She has also figured out how to fall off her bike. She gets her foot down and basically walks off the bike before it hits the ground.
Well it is lunch time so I need to get going!

Friday, September 14, 2007

School update

School is going okay. Today we didn't start until late morning. My house is a disaster and there was no way I was going to be able to do school until I had done some clean up. Thankfully the kids can get through some of the lessons quickly. This month has turned into a crazy busy month. All our weekends are booked. We are celebrating Kali's 5th birthday this Saturday because the weekend following her birthday is the Curtis Family reunion! the weekend after that we are going to a birthday for a friend.
I think that is all for now.

Monday, September 10, 2007

School Days

Well, last week was mostly good with one bad day. i felt like I was slamming my head into a wall all day. I finally wrote to the kids teacher and asked her what I should do. I have a very hard time getting through to Daniel. That was Wednesday. The rest of the week went okay.
Friday evening we went down to Momma's. Doug helped her set up her new computer and then drooled all over her very nice flat screen monitor. He wants one now. I do too! We really need a new computer but that will have to wait. On Saturday, I had another bridal shower for the bride of the wedding that I am in in a month. This was a much smaller personal shower with just the bridesmaids and the mothers of the bride and groom. It was really nice. I was back to Mom's by 3 PM and we packed up and headed home. Doug had some work he needed to do and he wanted to get home in time to get it done.
Sunday was Promotions Sunday. Neither of the kids moved up in to a different class but Kali moves to the next teacher up. We had doughnuts after the Promotion service. The regualr worship service.
After church we went home and ate lunch and all took naps. Well, the kids had their quiet time but Doug and I slept. Then we got up and headed to the home of our Associate Pastor. They were having a small group gathering. It was GREAT!!! All the families that were there, other then us had a small baby. I got a major baby fix and Doug just looked at me and rolled his eyes. he was afraid that I would come away wanting another baby, but I don't. I get the urge occasionally and then I see my kids working on school work and think that I just couldn't teach them at home if I have a baby. At least, not yet. The kids had a blast with their friend Makayla and when it was time to go, Daniel was covered in mud!.
It was home for showers, a bowl of ice cream and then bed. I had a hard time sleeping since I had such a long nap and a very chocolate brownie at supper. i was up until 3 AM. If you are reading this on Monday morning, please pray for me. I am tired. Usually this might mean, for other people, that they are short tempered and get easily frustrated. This usually isn't the case for me but please pray any way.
Gotta go. School is calling!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Today was better

Hello all. After only 5 hours of sleep I got up and decided to face the day. I was able to get in my exercise and Bible reading, breakfast, a cup of Hot Cocoa, and some cleaning before the kids got up. Once they did, I was ready for them to eat breakfast and jump right into school. It went better today. I was more prepared. I still have no idea how to get Daniel to focus and comprehend what I am telling him. It is a constant battle. After telling him something, a minute later, he can't tell me what I just told him.
We were done with school by quiet time. When the kids went down, I finished folding my laundry while watching a movie. It was the only thing I could think of that might keep me awake. It worked. Supper is over and Doug is headed to Prayer Meeting. The kids and I need an early night so we stayed home. I still need to log the kids hours and look over tomorrow's lesson plans. Hopefully nothing new. I think that when we start new concepts, it will be a longer day for us.
I also think that doing school away from home wont be as easy as I had hoped. Mostly because we would have to travel with enough stuff to fill a suitcase. Maybe when all the curriculum finally gets here it might make it a little easier but for now, I have to do way to much just to be ready for the next day.
I am going to let the kids relax in front of a movie for a little while and I will do the same, although I will be finishing up my house work and not relaxing while I watch.
That is all for today! If I can find them, I will upload some new pictures. Probably tomorrow or soon after.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Weekend plus....

Our weekend was busy. We had fun at the Fair on Thursday and went through all the barns and learned about the animals and what they eat and how to take care of them.
Friday we spent the day doing our school work and then going for a walk. The kids spent the evening at their Grandparents and Doug and I went out. It was a nice day. Saturday, I went to Lowellville for a wedding of a childhood friend and neighbor. The kids spent the afternoon with their Aunt at the Fair and Doug spent some time at the Fair with his camera but met up with his sister and the kids and brought them home. I didn't get home until after 11 PM. church was normal. No evening service though.
Monday my mother came up in the morning and she and I went over to the fair for a few hours. We wondered around and looked at the exhibits and looked for some good food. We came home for about an hour. Momma napped and then we grabbed the kids and walked back over looking for another person from Lowellville who was working a booth. After searching all morning for him we finally found the booth he was supposed to be working only to find out that he wasn't working that day. Oh well. Next time.
Today has been a trial. I was up late last night so I made the decision not to stay up when Doug left for work. I know that if I am short in sleep, my temper and patience run thin. We started school before 9 AM though. We were through two lessons when i had to stop and log on to an Online session with the Administrator. I settled the kids in front of Blues Clues and got myself ready. I waited and waited and waited with no sessions coming up for me to join. I finally called the school and got through to our teacher who told me that they had just finished the session. when I told her that I had been logged on the whole time and was never able to join the session, she was a little worried. Only 5 parents were able to join the session and again, it didn't go very well. I guess they will try again sometime soon.
When I was done trying to find the session, I got the kids back to the table and went back to the school lessons. Not long after that, it was lunch time. We still have to finish our Language Arts lesson, which has taken about 2 hours already and we have Social Studies left. It just seems like everything kept happening to slow us down today. My house is a disaster, supper is not even a thought in my head and my husband is due home in an hour! AHHHHHHHHHHHH
I hope things get better. Please continue to pray for us. the kids have small concentration abilities and Daniel's comprehensions is very limited. It makes for a very frustrating time.
I will try to keep you all updated but my time is very limited and my on-line activities will be what gets neglected.
I would love to hear from any of you.