Monday, November 20, 2006

Pictures from our trip to Indiana!

OH MY! It is so hard to choose which ones to post. I am going to have a really hard time not posting ALL of them! There are some really great ones! We went out to Indiana to visit Doug's mother's side of the family. The Wesner's. If any of you were at our wedding, Mary and Jeannette were our flower girls. Daniel was our ring bearer and Steve was one of the groom's men. Sharon was the first Wesner Cousin I ever met. She was at Family Camp one year with Beth and the three of us seemed to hit it off. We did some thing really goofy and if I ever find the picture, I may just post it too. Sorry girls! Grandma and Grandpa Wesner are wonderful people who welcomed me into the family with great big hugs! Then again, they welcome everyone with great big hugs! They were tremendously active in their church and although they have slowed down a lot in the past few years, they are still two of the best prayer warriors we know! The occasion for this trip was to celebrate their 80th birthdays. Grandma's isn't for a few months I guess but it seemed a good time to do both.
Bear with me as I post a ton of pictures. If you have questions about the pictures and I haven't added any comments to explain, leave a comment and I will reply as soon as I can! This picture, is by far the greatest achievement of the weekend! EVERYONE in one place at one time. We were only missing Beth's husband Jon, as he couldn't get the time off work and had to preach for Dad on Sunday night.
I will try and list everyone in the picture
Back Row: Aunt Eileen, Daniel, Aunt Bev,Rachel, Beth, Jeanette, Mel w/ Danny, Jonathan, Michelle
On the Chairs: Uncle Dave, Uncle Rodger, Grandpa Wesner, Grandma Wesner, Linda w/ Kali, and Christine
On the Floor: Steve, Evie w/ Baby Scott, Paul, Mary, Markus & Sharon, Doug, Heidi

I think I got everyone! Now let's see if this picture will post!

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