Thursday, November 30, 2006

Just a little note.

Hey all,
Monday night Doug and I made the decision for to quit my job. Daniel has been showing signs of regression and me working is the only thing that we can figure to attribute it to. He is still doing great but things that he could do three weeks ago, or two months ago, he is refusing to do, or can't do. This has caused some major stress in my life and Doug said that no one was happy with me working and it was just adding stress to our lives. I had to agree. I still need to make the decision as to when to tell my boss. Oddly enough today is my 90 day anniversary. I should be getting a raise. I feel bad and want to giver her a lot of time to replace me but I am afraid that if I tell her now, she will give me a hard time for the whole month that I have left there. Please pray that God will give me wisdom in this situation. My last day will be around the end of the year. I hope to be able to keep the friends I have made.
One more thing. The problems that have been going on with my dad seem to be over. He was having an allergic reaction to the fish oil pills he was taking in order to drop his triglycerides. Thanks for praying for him too. I'll write again soon!

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