Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Yesterday and today

Yesterday I spent the morning on working on housework and laundry. I still have some of that to do. After lunch, I took the kids to a park near Walmart. When they were done playing, we did our shopping at Walmart. I picked up some hot pepper plants and two tomato plants and two large planters and when we got home, I re potted them into the large planters and put them out on the porch. I also had supper in the oven by 3:15. It wasn't ready until 6:00 but I was able to get in a little nap, by accident, while I waited for the food to cook.
today, I am up early. I am hoping to get the kids over to Bethie's house and then go and pick some strawberries. The house is pretty cool right now so before I leave, I will close it up and it should stay pretty nice. We are going to our Pastor's house for supper tonight so I don't have to worry about cooking. It think we are having hamburgers and stuff out on the grill. It should be a nice evening. I hope you all enjoy this beautiful week we are having!

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