Tuesday, April 24, 2007

How I acknowledged this day

Last night I became rather upset because I knew that I wanted to acknowledge this day in some way but I had no idea how to do it. Ask, Doug. I got pretty cranky. This morning I decided that I would check to see if Beth, my sister in law could keep the kids all afternoon. She was watching them for me anyway because I had a meeting at Danny's school with his teachers and therapists. After the meeting, I stopped at the local florists and picked up 4 roses. Two white roses, a red rose and a lavender and white striped rose. I had wanted to get two white and two red but they only had one red left. The lavender and white striped rose was left over from an Amish wedding that morning. So, I had the man wrap up the white, red and lavender roses and keep one white rose all by itself. I headed down to LowellvilleI called Mom to see where she was and what she was doing and she was at home but headed to the Lawyer's office. That was fine with me. I went up to the cemetery and put the single white rose on Daddy's grave. I stood there for a while and cried. I felt the need to bring those emotions to the for front of my mind. I had been so busy the past two weeks and I felt numb. Everything still felt unreal to me. This seemed very strange to me. Anyway, I headed down to Momma'swhen I was done and went in and used the bathroom and wandered around the house looking at pictures, reading notes and cards. Then I went out for a walk around town. Thinking of memories the whole time. Doug told me that I was fine where I was and I didn't have to rush back, as long as I was home so he could go to work in the morning. I called Momma again and told her that I was in town and they were on their way home. "They" being Aunt Carol and Momma. We had a nice supper together and then I went digging around the basement for some stuff that Doug had seen a couple weeks ago. We loaded that up and I headed home around 7:55. I got home at about 9:05. I feel much better now and I think I have startedmy own little tradition in how to commemorate this day.Mom seems to be doing okay for now. The lawyer had all positive things to say and Mom was able to pick up the Guest book from the funeral home and she spent some time looking that over as well. There is still much for her to do so I am sure she would like continued prayer for strength, comfort and guidance.One more thing. My mother has one of those calendars that gives a verse of scripture everyday. Today, on Daddy's birthday was the verse we used for this blog. The verse Daddy chose to help him get through the last 4 months. My mother was so very pleased to see this. I think it made her day. God know just what we need, when we need it, no matter the circumstances!!!

1 comment:

jenny_storti said...

I was kinda wondering how you spent the day, since I talked to you on the phone. It is really cool about your mothers verse of the day cslendar. Your right God does give us what we need when we need it. If there was any one thing at all that could have put a smile to her face that day, I am sure it was that.