Thursday, April 19, 2007

Hello All

Well, It has been a while. Most of you know what has been going on in my family over the past four months. A week ago Monday, my father past away. It was a long week. This week has turned into a very long week as well. Monday morning I woke up to a very sick little boy. He has been sick ever since. He has a doctor's appointment today for his yearly check up so I will talk to the doctor about this as well. Maybe that is all we will talk about since I am sure that she doesn't want to get this too.
So far the rest of us have stayed healthy. I am giving all of us Airborne in the hopes of keeping it away.
I have some pictures that I want to post of my kids and nieces and nephews that Doug had taken for my father before he died. They are great pictures! We also have some pictures from the funeral that I want to post as well. Nothing inappropriate. I promise. Here is a link to the photo slide show that Doug put together
Enjoy! I do.

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