Monday, March 12, 2007

Finally a few pics

And I do mean a few. In fact, two for now. Doug has the Photoshop on a different Viewing pattern and all the pictures come out like art work instead of photos. I think the pictures are self-explanatory but I will tell you that there is one of Danny and one of Kali. Yes, that is Kali's eye and her eyelashes. Take a good look at how long and THICK they are. Danny loves setting up dominoes and watching them fall down. We got out a birthday gift from last year and he loves it even more now. It is a domino set just for setting them up in patterns and knocking them down. Thank you Uncle Ed and Auntie Bean and Melanie! Oddly enough, the dominoes in the picture are also from Ed and Tina and Melanie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Heidi, I love the pix! Danny is sooo creative and Kali's eye does look amazing!!
Hope you're having a good day. We love you guys!!