Thursday, October 19, 2006

Flu Shots

Hey all,
I am so proud of my kids! Yesterday I took them to get their flu shots. Now two weeks ago, Kali went in for a check up and had to have a shot. The Assistant did a great job with Kali and told her what she was going to do. 1-2-3 Pinch! Kali never even flinched! So, I asked them to give Kali her shot first so Danny could watch. Again, she never flinched. I sat next to Danny and held on to his arms because he is an unknown. We explained it to him and he seemed fine until he saw the needle. He started to cry but we turned his head away and 1-2-3 Pinch! He was fine! Not even a sound! In fact, he didn't flinch either. I promised the kids "ice cream", or a milk shake, afterwards so they were pretty excited. When we walked down the hall to leave the receptionist said,"I never even heard a peep!" The kids before them came out screaming. I felt bad for them. I would have been the same way. I probably did worse then the kids. Seeing the needle go into Danny's arm made me slightly nauseous and light headed. It is really quite funny. Daniel and Kali LOVE going to the doctor's. Kali was pretty upset when I told her it wasn't for a check up, just shots When I explained the 1-2-3 Pinch! she got realy excited!
Well, My house is in need of attention for a certain little girl's birthday party this weekend.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A couple more pictures

Here are a few more pictures. Aren't they cute?

Finally some new pictures!

My favorite subjects are my children and that is mostly what this website was created for. These pics turned out a little fuzzy. I am not the photographer that my father or husband is but I like these. My kids love each other so much and they miss each other when they are apart. They are best friends and rarely enemies.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Another short update.

Doug has passed his kidney stone. We are so thankful that this ordeal is over. It lasted way to long. Doug didn't go to work today, even though he passed the stone last night. His body is still out of wack from all the pain medicine. He was also up a lot in the night and didn't get much sleep.
The kids spent Sunday night and Monday night with their Aunt Beth. I stopped last night to see them and put them to bed.
I took Doug in to the hospital at 9:30 Sunday night. It was busy so we didn't see anyone for a while. They eventually decided to admit Doug but that took a while also. He was admitted at about 4:00 AM. I got home around 5 AM and I didn't go to bed until after 6 AM. This was because I needed to call Doug's place of employment to tell them he wouldn't be in. I slept until 11 AM and then ran a few errands and went back to the hospital. We were there until 7:00 PM. Doug had two visitors from our church. That was nice. We also were able to chat with Doug's room mate and his wife. Doug has to have a follow up appointment with the doctor next Tuesday.
I have to work tonight but thankfully, I am off tomorrow. I was supposed to work tomorrow but a girl at work wanted to switch with me. I was only too happy to do so. I like to be able to take Kali to AWANA and that way no one has to pick her up and take her for me.
I am cooking again this weekend. This is only the second time I have cooked and I am scared to death to do it. I am tempted to ask for help but I don't want to ask my boss. I don't think it is fair to ask one of the other cooks to come in and help either though.
Danny went to school today and Kali went with Aunt Beth to the Pastor's and Wives fellowship at their church. There should have been at least one other little girl there so she will have a good time.
I had better be done for now. As soon as I have a good picture or two, I will post some new ones.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Most of you know that Doug is dealing with a kidney stone. Until all this is behind us, I probably wont do much on my site. IF you want to see the wedding pictures, check out the link to Tina's Blog

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A run down of the weekend

Well, it was a good wedding, despite the rain, cold and mud. Danny did a great job as ringbearer and didn't have a problem riding in the fancy wagon pulled by horses with the rest of the wedding party. Thankfully he stayed clean but he was pretty cold. We had brought a babysitter/mother's helper with us and she was more helpful than I think she knows. She stayed at the house with Kali during the wedding. Kali had been coughing all weekend and we didn't think it would be a good idea for her to be out in the cold and rain. The kids did the trip to and from very well and we made decent time both ways. We were freezing the first night at the camp where we stayed but we were able to fix that for the second night. We were able to visit some family out that direction and it was great to see Ed and Tina and Melanie start their life together.
We got home Sunday at 7 PM and unloaded the van. The kids ate supper late but went to bed without too much problem. Doug took Monday off so he could work on his BBI lesson for Monday evening. This morning he got up to go to work and ended up staying home because he is passing a kidney stone. Thankfully we still have some of the painkiller from the first one he passed so he is staying as comfortable as possible and drinking a lot of water. Kali had her 4 yr. check up today. She was great. They tested her vision and her hearing which were good and she is in the 97% for both height and weight. She also got a Polio vaccine which she didn't even flinch for, let alone cry about.
Danny just got off the bus and I am starting lunch. Then I am going to have to get Doug up so he can watch the kids while I run to Walmart to pick up a few prescriptions and some groceries. Then I have to come home and clean upt the kitchen and start supper. I work today so I have to have supper done by 4 PM.
Hope you all had a good weekend too.