Thursday, November 29, 2007

Some News

Something to pray about. Doug's Grandmother is in the hospital. For lack of better explanation she is in a coma. It doesn't look good. However, Grandma has been bad before and God has seen fit to leave her with us. However, we would appreciate prayer for the family. Linda is working, Steve and Evie just left South Bend and are in PA now. If she were to go on to Heaven, we would probably make a trip out to Michigan. With this, however, Doug would have to use his last two vacation days and therefore, he would not be able to join us for our family Christmas in PA.
As you read in my last blog, our van had broken down. It is now fixed for less then what Doug had thought. We should be able to make the trip if the worst happens.
Please pray for Linda and Mel, and the rest of the family.

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