Thursday, November 29, 2007

Some News

Something to pray about. Doug's Grandmother is in the hospital. For lack of better explanation she is in a coma. It doesn't look good. However, Grandma has been bad before and God has seen fit to leave her with us. However, we would appreciate prayer for the family. Linda is working, Steve and Evie just left South Bend and are in PA now. If she were to go on to Heaven, we would probably make a trip out to Michigan. With this, however, Doug would have to use his last two vacation days and therefore, he would not be able to join us for our family Christmas in PA.
As you read in my last blog, our van had broken down. It is now fixed for less then what Doug had thought. We should be able to make the trip if the worst happens.
Please pray for Linda and Mel, and the rest of the family.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thankgiving is over

Yes, it's over and we are moving on to Christmas. However, I will tell you a little about our Thanksgiving. It was busy. Marcus and Elizabeth got in on Wednesday night. Ed and Tina got in very early Thanksgiving morning. We had our family Thanksgiving meal at our church because none of us really had room for everyone to be together and be comfortable, especially the kids. The church was great because it has a gym and a fellowship hall so we had a place to eat and place for the kids to play. Each child had their own place for quiet time, except my kids who shared a room, which they are used to. On Friday we were all at Mom's most of the day. Doug had to work and since we only have one working vehicle, Marcus and Elizabeth picked the kids and I up since they were staying with Elizabeth's parents which is only about 6 minutes from us. After work Doug came down too. On Saturday, we had an Open House for Ed and Tina' new baby Jack Stephan Curtis. Not too many people came but we enjoyed getting a lot of time to visit with those who did come. Afterwards we were invited to friends for pizza. it was a relief not to have to worry about supper. Sunday saw departure for Ed and Tina and Melody and Joe. Marcus and Elizabeth are still around. they are in no rush so they will hang around and do some things for Mom and try and get some meetings in the area.
We have some pictures. I think Doug may put them on his site soon. If not, I will try to post some.
The most recent news is that our van is in the shop. The power steering went out on Sunday morning. Doug tried to put more power steering fluid in it but it leaked right out onto the ground under the van. So, we had to put the car back on our insurance but we are still not driving it unless we have to. Our neighbor has offered to do the work on the car for us for only the cost of the parts but since we have to pay to get he van fixed we wont have the money to get the car fixed either.
We are back to school now although we haven't done any yet today. Ia m taking a break this morning since I need to do some clean up before we can do school.
This should catch everyone up for now.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Open House

Hello Everyone,

We are having an Open House for Ed and Tina's new baby boy, Jack Stephan Curtis. It is Saturday November 24th from 2:00 PM until 5:00 PM at Huntsburg Baptist Church. The church is 1/4 mile west of 528 on 322. Ed and Tina are registered at Walmart, Baby Depot, and for diapers.

We look forward to seeing you there if you are in the area.