So much has happened since I wrote last. My dad got home from the hospital. He is slowly adjusting to being out. Our van broke down. The front Suspension was basically gone. The struts were riding on the tires and digging grooves in the tires. We got a new van too. It is newer, nicer and has fewer miles. In order to get the new van, we traded in the van and the car that used to be my grandparents. We are still adjusting to being a one car family. It is hard for me because I want to be able to go to my parents and go visit my sister and my friend Katie but with Doug working everyday, I can't go anywhere.
We got a couch, my in laws old one, we got rid of two tables and got one new one, we got some new file cabinets and have done some rearranging. We have a little more room and yet a little less. I also got a new mattress this month. Something that I have needed for the past year or so.
the kids are doing great. Doug didn't have any students in his BBI class this semester so he gets a break. It is a load off for him. he is teaching Sunday School this semester and that was going to be almost more then he could handle. He ahs some other commitments that he needs to finish up with soon. Some family portraits he took back at Christmas.